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Hebei Honde Plastic & Metal Co., Ltd.


  • What are the problems of using hot-dip galvanized spiral ground pile in marshland? How to solve them?
    The problems of using hot-dip galvanized spiral ground pile in marshland may include: Limitation of stress direction: The stress characteristics of spiral ground pile dictate that it can only act in a direction perpendicular to the ground, and it has relatively little resistance in the horizontal direction. Therefore, in natural disasters such as earthquakes or extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, spiral ground piles may not be able to provide sufficient support, resulting in building collapse or tilt. Limitation of applicable sites: The use of spiral ground piles is somewhat limited by the type of land. For example, marshland and soft ground conditions can limit the effectiveness of spiral ground piles, thus limiting their widespread application. Difficult installation: The installation of spiral ground piles requires professional equipment and technical personnel. If the installation process is not technically sound or the equipment is not appropriate, it can have serious consequences. In some situations, such as building in low-lying areas, the spiral ground pile needs to be drilled into the soil at a deeper depth, which increases installation difficulty and cost. To solve these problems, we can consider the following: Selecting appropriate spiral ground piles: For soft ground such as marshland, it is recommended to use spiral ground piles specifically designed for soft soil to enhance their horizontal stress resistance. Increasing pile depth: For building in low-lying areas, we can increase the depth of the spiral ground pile to enhance its support strength. Proper preparation before installation: Before installation, it is necessary to conduct geological investigation to understand the geological conditions in order to select the appropriate installation method and location. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that the equipment and personnel used during installation have appropriate qualifications and technical level. Considering other reinforcement methods: For some particularly important buildings or areas with frequent extreme weather conditions such as earthquakes and strong winds, other reinforcement methods can be considered to enhance building stability, such as underground continuous walls, soil mixing columns, etc. In general, the use of hot-dip galvanized spiral ground pile in marshland requires full consideration of its stress characteristics, applicable sites, and installation difficulties, and corresponding measures should be taken to address these issues.

    2023 11/30

  • How much weight can screw piles hold?
    The amount of weight that screw piles can hold depends on various factors, including the size and type of screw pile, the soil conditions, and the load being applied to the pile. In general, small diameter screw piles (less than 3 inches) can typically support loads ranging from 2 to 4 tons per pile. Larger diameter screw piles (greater than 5 inches) can support significantly more weight, with some able to hold up to 100 tons or more. However, it's important to note that these are just rough estimates, and the actual weight-bearing capacity of a screw pile will depend on the specific circumstances of its installation and use. It's always best to consult with a professional engineer or contractor who can assess your specific needs and recommend the appropriate screw pile solution for your project.

    2023 11/27

  • What is the design concept of hot-dip galvanized spiral ground piles?
    The design philosophy of hot-dip galvanized helical piles revolves around ensuring durability, corrosion resistance, and structural stability in various soil conditions. Hot-dip galvanization involves coating the steel piles with a layer of zinc, which provides corrosion protection. This process is crucial for structures, especially those exposed to harsh environmental conditions. The key design principles include: Corrosion Resistance: Hot-dip galvanization creates a protective barrier against corrosion, enhancing the lifespan of the helical piles, particularly when they are used in soil or water environments with corrosive elements. Structural Integrity: The design considers the load-bearing capacity required for the specific application. Helical piles are often used in foundation systems, and their geometry and dimensions are tailored to provide sufficient strength and stability to support the intended loads. Soil Compatibility: The design takes into account the soil conditions at the installation site. Helical piles are chosen based on their ability to penetrate different types of soils effectively. The spiral shape of the piles enhances their resistance to soil movement. Installation Ease: The helical design facilitates ease of installation, especially in comparison to traditional piles. The screw-like structure allows for efficient penetration into the ground with minimal disturbance to the surrounding environment. Environmental Considerations: Hot-dip galvanized helical piles are often preferred for their environmentally friendly aspects. The zinc coating provides a sustainable solution by minimizing maintenance requirements and reducing the need for premature replacements. Adaptability: The design philosophy considers the adaptability of helical piles to various construction scenarios. They can be employed in diverse applications, such as residential, commercial, and industrial projects, where their versatility proves advantageous. In summary, the design philosophy of hot-dip galvanized helical piles encompasses corrosion resistance, structural integrity, soil compatibility, ease of installation, environmental considerations, and adaptability to different construction contexts.

    2023 11/24

  • What should we pay attention to when welding hot-dip galvanized spiral ground piles?
    Welding plays a pivotal role in the fabrication of hot-dip galvanized helical piles, which undergo the galvanization process after welding. It is crucial to note that the galvanization process occurs subsequent to welding, and several key considerations must be addressed during this phase to ensure both structural integrity and long-term durability. The selection of an appropriate welding method is another critical consideration. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), and flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) are common methods for welding hot-dip galvanized steel. The choice depends on factors such as steel thickness, site conditions, and the welder's expertise. Opting for a method that ensures good penetration and a strong bond between welded components is paramount. Preheating the steel before welding is a practice that helps minimize the risk of cracking in welded joints. Hot-dip galvanized steel's high thermal conductivity necessitates careful control of the interpass temperature during welding to prevent rapid cooling and potential brittleness in the heat-affected zone. Adequate ventilation during welding is critical for the safety of the welder and the quality of the weld. The fumes generated during the welding of galvanized steel can be harmful, and proper ventilation systems should be in place to remove these fumes from the work area. Additionally, the use of personal protective equipment, such as respirators, is recommended to minimize the risk of exposure to welding fumes. Post-welding treatments are necessary to address the impact of the welding process on the galvanized coating. Inspecting the welded areas for any damage to the zinc coating and performing touch-up galvanizing, if necessary, are essential steps. Following industry standards and guidelines for touch-up galvanizing ensures the long-term durability of hot-dip galvanized helical piles. In conclusion, the welding of hot-dip galvanized helical piles demands meticulous attention to detail and adherence to best practices. From surface preparation to selecting the appropriate welding method, preheating, and post-welding treatments, each step plays a crucial role in achieving a strong and durable weld. These guidelines contribute to the overall success and safety of construction projects, ensuring the structural integrity and corrosion resistance of the piles.

    2023 11/22

  • Does hot-dip galvanized helical piles require special maintenance during winter?
    In general, hot dip galvanized helical earth anchors do not require special maintenance during winter seasons due to their corrosion-resistant properties provided by the zinc coating. However, there are some precautions that can be taken to ensure they remain in optimal condition throughout the cold months. Inspect regularly: Regular inspections of the anchors can help identify any potential damage or wear caused by extreme weather conditions. Remove ice buildup: Ice accumulation around the anchor may cause damage or affect its performance. Using a non-abrasive tool, gently remove any ice buildup without damaging the surface of the anchor. Avoid salt exposure: Salt used to melt snow and ice can corrode the zinc coating over time, reducing its effectiveness. To minimize salt exposure, try using alternative de-icing agents or removing accumulated salt promptly after storms. Clean regularly: Keep the anchors free of dirt, debris, and other contaminants that could potentially accelerate corrosion. Use mild soap and water to wash away any build-up, followed by a thorough rinse. While hot dip galvanized helical earth anchors are built to withstand harsh weather conditions, taking these simple steps can help extend their lifespan and ensure they continue to perform optimally throughout the winter season.

    2023 11/20

  • In what areas are hot-dip galvanized spiral ground piles usually used?
    Hot-dip galvanized helical ground screws are widely applied in various types of infrastructure construction projects such as solar power plants, fences, mobile homes, and solar photovoltaic facilities. These ground screws are designed to effectively solve the issue of securing facilities in situations where the soil is loose or poor in quality. Additionally, they feature excellent corrosion resistance properties. Hot-dip galvanized helical ground screws are also utilized in stabilizing structures such as guardrails, volleyball nets, and trellises. As a result, they are heavily relied upon in the field of infrastructure construction to stabilize diverse structural configurations and ensure their stability.

    2023 11/17

  • What are the advantages of using hot-dip galvanized spiral piles to build a house?
    With the advancement of technology, hot-dip galvanized spiral ground piles provide us with a very good choice during the construction of house foundations, solar systems, road signs, etc. Its corrosion resistance, sturdiness and ease of installation have all been well proven, and we can use it with confidence. Using hot-dip galvanized helical piles for constructing houses offers several advantages. Firstly, hot-dip galvanized helical piles provide excellent corrosion resistance. The process of hot-dip galvanization involves coating the steel piles with a layer of zinc, which creates a protective barrier against rust and corrosion. This ensures the durability and longevity of the foundation , even in harsh environmental conditions such as high humidity or exposure to saltwater. Secondly, helical piles are easy to install and require minimal excavation. Unlike traditional concrete foundations, which require extensive digging and pouring, helical piles can be installed using specialized equipment. The helical plates at the bottom of the piles enable them to be screwed into the ground, providing stability and load-bearing capacity. This reduces the time and labor required for construction, making it a cost-effective option. Additionally, helical piles offer versatility in design and application. They can be used in various soil conditions, including soft, clayey, or sandy soils. The helical shape of the piles allows for efficient load transfer, providing a solid foundation for different types of structures . This flexibility in design makes helical piles suitable for a wide range of construction projects, from residential houses to commercial buildings. Furthermore, helical piles have a smaller environmental footprint compared to traditional concrete foundations. The installation process of helical piles generates less noise, vibration, and disturbance to the surrounding area. This is especially beneficial in urban or densely populated areas, where minimizing construction-related disruptions are essential. Additionally, helical piles are recyclable and can be easily removed or reused if necessary, reducing waste and contributing to sustainable construction practices. In terms of structural integrity, helical piles offer excellent load-bearing capacity. The helical plates increase the surface area in contact with the soil, distributing the weight of the structure evenly. This ensures stability and minimizes the risk of settlement or uneven settling of the foundation over time. The strength and reliability of helical piles make them a viable option for constructing houses in areas prone to seismic activity or soil instability. Good products can bring us a superior use experience, and compared with traditional cement foundations, hot-dip galvanized spiral ground piles can also help us reduce costs and save construction time.

    2023 11/17

  • What should you pay attention to when using a ground screw on muddy ground?
    When using ground screws in muddy or marshy ground conditions, it's essential to take certain precautions to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the installation. Ground screws, also known as screw piles or helical anchors, are used for various applications, including anchoring structures, fences, and more. Here are some key considerations for using ground screws in muddy terrain: Site Assessment: Conduct a thorough site assessment to evaluate the soil and ground conditions. Determine the soil type, water table level, and any potential obstructions that may affect installation. Proper Ground Screw Selection: Choose ground screws that are suitable for the specific soil and load requirements of your project. Ground screws come in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different conditions. Pre-Installation Planning: Develop a clear installation plan that includes the layout, spacing, and depth of the ground screws. Consider factors like the intended load and the type of structure or equipment being anchored. Equipment and Tools: Ensure that you have the necessary equipment and tools for the installation, including the appropriate machinery or equipment for screwing the ground screws into the ground. Ground Preparation: Clear the site of debris, rocks, and vegetation that could obstruct the installation process. If the ground is extremely muddy, consider using a track or wheeled machine to minimize ground disturbance and provide better stability during installation. Proper Installation Technique: Use the correct installation technique for your specific ground screw design. This typically involves rotating the screw into the ground using machinery or equipment. Maintain a slow and steady pace during installation to prevent excessive soil displacement and maintain screw alignment. Installation Depth: Ensure that the ground screws are installed to the recommended depth to achieve the necessary load-bearing capacity. The depth may vary depending on soil conditions. Load Testing: After installation, conduct load tests to verify the stability and load-bearing capacity of the ground screws. This is particularly important for critical or high-load applications. Anti-Corrosion Measures: If the ground screws are made of metal, consider using corrosion-resistant coatings or materials to prolong their lifespan, especially if they will be in contact with water or wet soil. Maintenance and Monitoring: Regularly inspect and monitor the ground screws to ensure they remain secure and stable over time. Address any signs of movement or instability promptly. Environmental Considerations: Be mindful of environmental regulations and any permits required for installation in wetlands or other sensitive areas. Safety Precautions: Follow safety guidelines and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during installation. Consultation: If you're uncertain about any aspect of ground screw installation in muddy terrain, consult with experts or engineers experienced in geotechnical and foundation work. Properly installed ground screws can provide a stable foundation in muddy or marshy ground conditions. Ensuring that you follow best practices, conduct thorough planning, and consider site-specific factors will help you achieve a successful and secure installation.

    2023 09/20

  • Research on corrosion mechanism and anti-corrosion of spiral ground piles in photovoltaic power stations
    As the basic structure of the ground photovoltaic power station support system, spiral ground piles play a vital connecting and supporting role. The material of the pile body is made of Q235 series ordinary carbon steel. Since spiral ground piles are most susceptible to corrosion when exposed to a dark and humid underground environment for a long time, it will not only cause instability or collapse of some power station support systems, but may even affect the service life of the entire photovoltaic power station. Therefore, the corrosion problem of spiral ground piles must be taken seriously treat. Research shows that hot-dip galvanizing can effectively prevent corrosion. The thickness of the zinc layer, a key indicator of the corrosion resistance of hot-dip galvanizing, is generally considered to be directly proportional to the relationship. The thickness of spiral ground piles is generally 3-4mm. National regulations require a minimum average thickness of 70μm. The thickness of spiral ground piles required by the factory is generally greater than 80μm, which can guarantee a service life of at least 25 years. In addition, the local geology and meteorological reports should be analyzed before the spiral pile foundation is selected. The ground mat should be laid away from or avoid highly corrosive and heavily polluted places. This can reduce the corrosion rate of the zinc layer on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can reduce the corrosion rate of the zinc layer. On the one hand, it can avoid chemical corrosion of the pile body, because SO2, CI- and other substances in the polluted air will aggravate the corrosion rate of zinc. Try to avoid weathered stone and gravel areas with strong air permeability to reduce the oxygen permeability.

    2023 09/13

  • Development and application of spiral ground pile foundation technology
    spiral ground piles are consists of one or more spiral blades welded on the central axis, which are one circle of Archimedes'spiral. Spiral soil nails are widely used in front of bridge abutments where highway slope stability or deformation requirements are low. Different from the action mechanism of bolts, spiral soil nails are mainly used to reinforce the soil behind retaining walls or slopes, providing passive resistance caused by soil deformation and movement, thereby achieving the purpose of reinforcement. Spiral soil nails use a series of spiral blades welded to steel pipes at equal intervals to strengthen the soil behind the wall or slope. The wall or slope does not require a high-strength steel structural surface. The load-bearing capacity of the spiral pile mainly depends on the part of the pile body where the spiral blades are welded. The part of the pile body above the top blade has little effect on the load-bearing capacity of the pile. Such structural characteristics give the spiral pile foundation economic advantages in special areas where highways pass, including expansive soil areas, permafrost areas and collapsible soil areas. spiral ground piles are used for shallow water foundations, coastal lighthouse foundations, coastal levees and dock foundations and bridges, and are also widely used for riverbank reinforcement and building foundations in almost every corner of the world, including the United States. In those days, helical ground piles were mainly made of cast iron or steel, both of which were abundant at the time, especially in Britain and the United States. Whether now or in the future, as spiral ground piles continue to develop new uses in new fields, their application prospects are becoming brighter and brighter. Spiral pile foundations are an attractive alternative to cast-in-place pile foundations. Since helical ground piles are designed to hold axial compressive and tensile loads, as well as transverse tensile loads, they can also be used to repair existing building structures, such as those damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and typhoons. It can also be used as the temporary foundation for building temporary houses and mobile homes, or temporary houses for disaster relief, temporary bridges, etc. Spiral ground piles in larger formats and sizes are also becoming more common for heavy-duty foundations.

    2023 09/13

  • What is the development prospect of piral ground piles?
    Piral ground piles are kinds of promising construction technology which has many advantages such as wind resistance, earthquake resistance and high durability. The application prospect of piral ground piles is more and more peomising with the global demand on sustainable construction increases continually. First, spiral ground piles can be used in a variety of building types, including residential, commercial, industrial, etc. Its high wind resistance and earthquake resistance can provide a more stable and secure foundation support for buildings, thereby improving the service life and reliability of buildings. Secondly, spiral ground piles have very little impact on the environment and are a very sustainable construction technology. It does not require the use of traditional cement and sandstone materials, does not produce a large amount of construction waste, and does not cause environmental pollution. At the same time, spiral ground piles can also be added to existing buildings, thus saving energy and resources Finally, spiral ground piles are very efficient to produce and install, significantly reducing construction costs. Its production process can be automated through industrialized production methods, thereby improving production efficiency and reducing labor costs. At the same time, the installation of spiral ground piles is also very simple, which can reduce manual intervention and construction time, thus improving construction efficiency. In short, spiral ground piles are a very promising construction technology with broad application prospects. As the global demand for sustainable buildings continues to increase, spiral ground piles will become an important development direction in the future construction field.

    2023 09/13

  • How to use a solar ground screw
    To use a solar ground screw, follow these steps: 1. Choose the location: Select a suitable location for installing the solar ground screw. It should be a flat and stable area with good sun exposure. 2. Dig a pilot hole: Use a post hole digger or an auger to dig a pilot hole in the ground. The depth of the hole should be determined by the length of the solar ground screw you are using. 3. Insert the ground screw: Insert the solar ground screw into the pilot hole. Apply downward pressure while turning it clockwise to screw it into the ground. Use a wrench or a screwdriver to provide additional leverage if necessary. 4. Check for stability: Ensure that the ground screw is firmly secured in the ground. Wiggle it back and forth to verify its stability. If it feels loose, remove it and dig a deeper hole or choose a different location. 5. Attach the solar panel mount: Once the ground screw is securely in place, attach the solar panel mount or racking system to it. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation. 6. Install the solar panels: After the mount is attached, install the solar panels onto the mount according to the manufacturer's instructions. Connect the panels to the necessary electrical components and wiring to complete the installation. 7. Regular maintenance: Periodically check the stability of the ground screw and monitor the performance of the solar panels. Make sure to keep the area around the ground screw clear of debris to prevent any obstruction to the solar panels. Remember to consult the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the solar ground screw for any additional steps or considerations specific to their product.

    2023 09/13

  • Ground Screw Pile
    We are the leading of ground screw pile manufacturer, innovative company in China. We service the most dynamic businesses and world enterprises with top quality products and an efficient, lean installation technology that exceeds customers' expectations in terms of ease and experience. If you use ground screw anchor, that will be no excavation, concrete, wet trades, or landfill requirements. Ground screw pile will let your installation become very safe and uncomplicated. Ground anchor with minimum impact to the landscape make it easy of installation, removal, and relocation.

    2022 03/14

  • Screw Piles
    From design to install, Hebei Honde Group combines engineering and innovation to guarantee a solid foundation that surpasses the highest standards in the industry. We have automatic welding machine and ISO, CE, TUV certificates so the ground screw pile quality is perfect. Any ground screw anchor sample is available for you. The ground screw anchor is no damage to landscape or structures and is possible to install no matter which season.

    2022 03/10

  • Ground Screw Pile
    Ground Screws are made from low carbon Q235 steel pipe. The surface treat is hot dipped galvanized. Ground screw is also named as pole anchor, or galvanized ground screw pole anchor, or ground post anchor. It's mainly used in fixing solar mounting brackets or other building. Our factory is located in Hebei province. If you are interest in our ground screw, you are warmly welcomed to visit our factory, and hope to be your business partner in the future.

    2022 03/09

  • Galvanized Screw Piles
    Screw Piles can be used in solar mounting system or other constructional industry. The round flange ground screw pile if has special customer customized flange we can do it and the installation is very convenient. The round flange has many holes and can be installed with other accessories skillfully. We welcome your OEM drawing and hope our ground screw will let you feel satisfied.

    2022 03/09

  • No Dig Ground Screw Pile
    Forged from steel tubing and galvanized to international ISO standards, no dig ground screw offer time and cost advantages to conventional practices of digging and concreting. These no dig ground screw pole anchors are now available in Western Canada. This screw-in foundation system is not only suitable for natural ground, but also for fences and even tarred surfaces. The applications are countless, from fences to carports, flag poles and traffic signs, solar panel systems, advertising boards and even outdoor buildings - all are quickly erected and removed.

    2022 03/09

  • Ground Screw With Hex Flange
    This is our ground screw with hex flange, Q235 steel material and galvanized surface.

    2022 03/08

  • Hex Flange Ground Screw
    Hex Flange Ground Screw is often used for solar mounting brackets.

    2022 03/07

  • Screw Piles
    Ground screw round flange is galvanized surface with Q235 steel. This is our package of ground screw.

    2022 03/02


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